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11:42 PM // Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Haha it's been a while!:) So yeah yesterday i started watching naruto and turns out pretty good ! haha damn nice!!! Haha so going back to watch alreadly:D

12:14 AM // Saturday, December 25, 2010

BOW CHICA WOW WOWWWW That's what my daddy said ..well not really! haha ! HEY People wassup? Its Christmas:D but it's kindda boring arghh !! So damn school is starting which is really bad and fuck my CCA now i'm not sure if i can quit:( WTH! I've given the doc's letter for like few months ago and they seem like they don't give a shit ! ahh whatever..so gonna go my aunt's house later then christmas is overr:( OH SHIT! just a simple question...can i don't go to school?

6:35 AM // Monday, November 1, 2010

Hey guys:D So on sat i just went to night safari for halloween and it was sooo cool and fun .. Okay so when we were like finding my cousin's boyf who was like working there, there were like many monsters around..and i mean seriously they were terrifying. Okay so this guy who's face was like white and holding onto mice and centipede scares valen and she ran round and round so that guy was like following her ...LOOL! then we went around taking pictures and one of them was this girl and valen puts her arm onto the lady's shoulder and that lady was like " ROAR" and glares at valen ..LOOL! SCARRRY~ So we first went into the Gui Mansion..Woah and let me tell it was frightening.. The hallway was like only one person can go in:( So we went in and i was the last one so when i turn around the fucking ghost who was like wearing white and her hair covering her face jumps at me so i was like running aand running then next was the i dunno what ghost crawling on the grouund banging the wall and not letting us pass... I just didn't care and just walk..so valen was like hugging her mum and like I'm scaredd... so i stood at one corner smiling..next when i went into another room, two skulls drop from above and i was like" HEY! FUCK OFF!" ran and ran till the last part ...one whole row of ghost were there and i just ran through ..one of them jumped at me and i stepped his foot and he was like OUCH! hahaha so next we went to the tramp and introduce us to some animals and this fat ass woman jumps onto the tramp and stares at me ...so i stare back ..stare here and there so i smiled back then she walks away..what a joke!! so next we went to the animal show and seriously that woman was HILARIOUS!!hahahahaa so after that went to amk mac then home...haha

3:42 AM // Thursday, October 28, 2010

Woohoo got my report book back:D 12th/37 haha (Y) too high aye !LOOL! so darn it! Screwed up so badly man....So need to apologise haisss:( Wish me good luck aye:D hahaaha

2:58 AM // Monday, October 25, 2010

WooHooooo!! last sat i went out with valen and vera to town:DD so cool...so valen decided to treat us starbucks and she saw this american guy which she said was really cute and he looked like rob pattison?? LOOL! so vera shouted "HEY! valen likes you" that was funny...so went around taking pictures and went to cenileisure to eat wanton mee...mine was around 4 bucks and both of them were like 4.50 due to the drink.. Okay so erm..vera was talking and talking non stop bout her friends and blah blah blah ..inthe end, she did not want to eat...whata waste:D so went to the arcade and played for a while and there was this guy playing the dancing thing and he was like so cool!! he played 2 players by himself i was looking and i was like WTF? and everyone was clapping and clappping...Hmm..so went to 313 and walked around and bought cold rock which seriously rocks! haha well ain't that some shit:D LOL so yeah and took the train back to J8 and ...oh yeah and vera saw this guy in 7-11 and she said he was really cute...and that's how theday ends..

2:42 AM // Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wootsss i passed everything but...i failed history:( full of regrets...

6:39 PM // Monday, October 18, 2010

LooooL!! yesterday went to amk hubb with darren ,jh,joel and joseph...haha just figured out that i went out with peeps mostly with their name starting with J:O maybe i love the letter J? who knows... Okay so jh keeps playing and playing arcade non-stop and his car was like soo much better than mine so when he wins, he just keeps showing off:( i'm gonna win him someday.. So actually we wanted to watch child's eye but jh doesn't want or something so in the end we watched Eat,pray,love haha:) Not a bad show aye. It shows a woman from new york then to Bali then to Rome then to India lastly Bali again(yeah..think that's the places..not really sure:() so during the show joseph was like throwing and throwing popcorn at jh and jun heng just keep eating the popcorn that was thrown at him(some of the popcorn was taken from the ground) LOOL! so towards the end of the show, my bladder was like bursting !!OMG... so yeah after the show immediately ran to the toilet..i mean who doesn't? So that's about yesterday..Catch you guys laateeer:P

12:17 AM // Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wth exams are here....so saddD: everytime i wanna study i get distracted!!! so im like arghh come on! so besides that hmm... nothing much cept that i got slam in the face by someone at the watercooler-hinthint- and in the end my face was swollen..SHET! okay so i've got this really really huge ,enormous , massive, extraordinay,big crush on this girl:D CHEERS! haha so gtg tution..-.- worst nightmare ever!+

11:31 PM // Friday, August 27, 2010

Serously my life is BORING nothing much but so happy cause math common test got TOP !! woots:) Cheers so yeah.. wished i was older so everything would be more fun...i guess? so got raped everyday when going to sch.. choked slam joseph on to the ground twice and it was Sssswwwweeeeeettttt~ hohoho everyone hates J.A now including me! he is fuckin irriating! taking people things witout permission. Who does he thinks he is? My mother?

8:43 AM // Saturday, August 7, 2010

Omg so long didn't post!! Common test comin le..sian :( Just watched The last airbender 3D and its was totally a rip-off! I paid $90++ for 6 ppl... waste money now when u open my wallet, u can see butterflies flying out:) Everyone tag liyan if not you will need to pay $2 or more depending on the crime. THIS IS A WARNING!

7:26 PM // Saturday, April 10, 2010

omg this blog Woosh !! totally forgotten to update:) ok so got back my report card and i have 5 A's ..... then npcc ...HATE IT! they scold us for no reason and blah blah blah ..zzzz and i was like !@#$%^&*(!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^& so yeah thats bout it erm sooooo ok BYE!

5:26 AM // Friday, March 12, 2010

Today last day of school....WOOHOO!!today did my 2.4km run and i pass !! then did tramp OMG it was so much fun . SO after the run i had a major headache ...SHIT!then all the way to NPCC and still need to run so long and then one SIR don't let us go ... so sian zzzzzzz ok lhe i gtg bye !!

5:26 AM // Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Grandchasing now!! so these few days not fun one oh ya i fail my 2.4km run because of my fucking shoe laces ARGHHHH!!!! so nm this wk just that march holiday is coming woohoo but monday got guitar exams so yeah wish me gd luck lor kk bye :)

7:18 AM // Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Woohoo just gotten back me common test ppr so here's what i've gotten
- Maths 35/40 (A1!!)
- Sci 26/40
- HMT 20/50 (FAIL!)
- Eng 14/25
- D&T 16/20 (ppr) 7/10 (journal)
- Geog 17/30
- His 31.5/40
- Gymnastic : B

so yeah but i'll update this post ....yeah so bye !

1:56 AM // Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Omg this is Long ......i totallly forgotten bout this blog ....ok so just finished my 4 days COMMON TEST !! WOoHoo so maybe this thurs going to chill :) ok gtg bye!

6:28 AM // Saturday, February 13, 2010

Today was so much fun !! we had renuion dinner t'day and we act like we did clubbing we turn off all the lights and on loud music ...WooHooo techno rocks!! ok i gtg tmrw go collect money alr bye:)

4:27 AM // Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today .....nm did hmt test in the morning and it was tough i mean i never took hmt before so im like woah ?? So had rice with sotong and other stuff for recess..XD
Then we did the chinese new year ang pao and i didn't have enough time and i was like WTF ?! yeah so ....wait i had a new TT teacher t'day :) he is mr kong i think that is how u spell his name but who cares ok so he teaches me eng and all the usual stuff...blah blah
oh ya the hog wei a fat ass in my class super irritating he can talk back teacher and during camp he doesn't bath he says nvm lar !! omg hate this kind of ppl . ok so valentine's day comin and chinese new year too :) But too bad my itouch spoil so sad:( I called apple company and that dude told me what to do but my itouch won't budge so he says " i think u need to send it to an apple store so that the person can fix it for you " so i agreed and he sent me the code but it will be fix in 4 working days !! so my itouch won't be spending new year with me ... ok gtg Fairprice LOL!! bye guys

10:41 PM // Monday, February 8, 2010

today no fun sia ... bored bored bored !!Zzz... darn my itouch spoil :( so close to new year then spoil shoot i think need to send to sevicing lhe XD so what .... later got math tution :) my fav sub dunno why ?? Fri im gonna go back to xhps but i still dunno meet teck they all where so yeah ! wl that joseph dam what sia ...dun let me his psp as in like i wanna play then he snatch i mean WTF ?? aiya whatever lah who cares so much bout a psp ...ok gotta get ready for tutuion T.T bye!

7:10 AM //

I know darn long never post cause i got test so heree's what i got
- Sci 16/20
- Maths 33/35
- History 13/15
- Eng 10/15 (this one not too sure)
- History 9/15
rest i don't know .... but i dun wanna go to IP cause it sucks ... ok today some ppl ezlink card taken by our freaking sci teacher ..:( not me lar some ppl i know is Joesph and Amanda .... i hate my sci teacher no reason take ppl ezlink card, never let ppl explain, teaches very fast and call other ppl go die ...i mean what kindda teacher is this ?? BULLSHIT! arghh ok dun wanna write alr bye ^ ^

6:37 AM // Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hi all ....omg i darn sleepy:(...Zzz.ok so t'day went out with 2 Joesph in one day i mean first time i went out with 2 people that has the same name ...well forget bout that ..so joesph didn't come to school today cause he say he had ass-ma attack (this was what he sms me) LOL! ok so don't know real or bluff one lor..XD
So we went to the arcade and blah blah blah then went home ....did some homework and got fucking disturbed by my parents.... Arghhhh!!! lmafao an adult bullying a child ??WTF! no lar jkjk only :) so yeah this is my boring life .....'empty' nothin to say so bye !

6:28 AM // Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Omg t'day super tired ....must do so much art !!! CHINESE nEW YR :) so yeah erm...nothin much this week just that i have a math test t'day and geo common test or class test which i can't figure out after so many week :) XDXD so fucked up :(

Dam sia luckily my sch better than mc one :) his one have common test every week as in isn't he FUCKING stress up?? well, not my prob anymore since not at the same school or class ...so yah hafi t'day kana pull down the pants by lots of ppl .. I mean what the FEATHERS ?? He seems to enjoy it ..LOL! JKJK ..ok so my brain 'empty' so i have nothin to write alr so ...BYE!

2:43 AM // Saturday, January 30, 2010

ok i keep forgetting bout this blog!!arghh then just the same thing ...loads of homework ......!!:( keep getting crush :) XD so fun love it !! ok so nothin to write liao add me at msn innocentguy97@hotmail.com

1:55 AM // Wednesday, January 20, 2010

today im ok nothin much happening ...so yeah and also found out that alanna when she uses the com overtime she will have to pay her dad 2 bucks per half hr i mean that is easy money :) i should learn from her dad ..LOL seriously ok so my life has been blah! blah! blah! nothin much so yeah ....bye!

7:05 AM // Monday, January 18, 2010

ok its been a long long time since i wrote in the blog so yeah .. ok so im in whotley sec and everything is normal and blah blah blah !! so did not bring d&t thing and got fucking scolded :( lol yeah so its like that

6:43 PM // Monday, December 21, 2009

just bought an i touch with black cover and yesterday went out with vera and shermaine and it was tough we had to walk from ceneleisure to 313@somerset to wisma and lastly we eat at ngee ann city mc donald and the ang mohs beside me had 2 kids and the young boy is so cute and i love his hair :) so i went to j8 to buy a ring and a necklace too today went to sch to collect the cert for psle and so many ppl go yuying lol so next time i put the pic of my itouch lol ok bye

12:52 AM // Friday, December 11, 2009

Omg ....I really Don't know what to write and .....my first choice for secondary school is whitley sec

1:40 AM // Friday, December 4, 2009

Bored after playing grandchase ...zzz later gonna go out for dinner and sunday im going for guitar concert XD i wanna go msia again soooooo wish me gd luck and gd bye

1:35 AM // Wednesday, December 2, 2009

came back from msia for 3days so sad actually wanna go to timesquare but the tour guide would not let us go instead they go to the stupid chocolate factory and in the end she cried cause her boss scolded her cause the bus driver kept on going the wrong way and she also said whatever happpens is something good and vera said "i think she regrets what she said" LOL!!:)man i only got 203 for psle and everyone keep saying and sasying man i wish they would stop talkingbout it they think i would want this kind of results NO i do not want so i have no choice and i am going to whitely sec and i do not like it but i have no choice again ... now im having a bad flu ah chooooooo zzz here it goes againn :( erm so i wish i can keep in contact with my friends and ya like that and so good bye :))

7:44 AM // Thursday, November 26, 2009

today went to school to get my PSLE results and it didn't go very well i got 203/300 and i can go to the express stream but i wanna go to my so call dream school which is prebyterian high school and the highest in singapore is 290/300 which is so unbelievable !!!! so im gonna go to msia tomorrow and will not write for the next 3 days but mayb tmrw i will write somethin:) ok gd nite

6:44 AM // Monday, November 9, 2009

jk is goin to go back to Korea on wed in the afternoon:( so fast ..me and tan are goin out tommorow and i bet it will be be good !! ok late liao so i think i better off com :) gd nite

3:29 AM // Friday, November 6, 2009

sob....ju kyeong wanna go back Korea alreadly:( so sad now i will lose a friend who i know for more than 4yrs...jk when you go back korea must keep in touch and wish you all the best !!Bon Voyage

12:43 AM // Monday, November 2, 2009

happy belated halloween ... BOO!

12:31 AM //

so long never put post :) finished PSLE and currently waiting for results !!! omg jk wan to go back to korea alreadly :( ok then i wanna say somethin bout mingchong .....he super mp and he lame like hell so not cool!! i created a twitter and i following a lot of actors and ya like that...ok gtg Everyone watch Wizard of waverly place you won't regret it:))

2:30 AM // Tuesday, October 13, 2009

just came back from bugis :)today that stupid sharon never wake up then we must go her house and call her ...ask for 1h in the end say dun wanna go...haizz:(then we went in superbowl at kovan but in there got match so cannot play and went bugis and meet up with winse and her friend....went into 77th street and hide in the dressing room and then take the clothes on display and threw it inside the until stack ...arghh!!then jk put the thing one place and run away:))then we bought things and exchange (next time then i put the pic)haha..kao the roti prata 1.80!!!!!!!ok lor tan say tmrw go bowl :)byE!!!

1:48 AM // Friday, October 2, 2009

today SUPER sian must stay back for mass revision !!!then heard pjk,lty and some other dudes wanna go the mid autum festival with my p3 friend call winse or somethin like that :)they say she kindda mature ..WOW!!actually i wanna go meet her but mrs chen say cannot so cannot lor ..maybe some of like parry ppl can like meet together and have fun!!WOOOOHOOO

1:38 AM // Tuesday, September 29, 2009

today was kindda cool:)mingchong book got confiscated cause of Constance ..well,duhh so she kindda got up lots of courage and tell ms lim and she stood there for full half hour thinkin of a reason HAHA and my paper which i wrote half piece got teared because of somebody who kept crushin my ppr who is mingchong erm...Psle lef 1 wk nia so.....help me pass happily:))

2:30 AM // Friday, September 18, 2009

Today got PSLE listening comphre then the english easier than the chinese one ..Then after eng listening comphre tan nose suddenly bleed sia !!WORST ONE I EVER SEEN

7:40 AM // Wednesday, September 9, 2009

today go sch for chinese sup then went back at bout 11 saw tan then listen to DOWN by Jay Sean .
So nice !!good times ,good time:))
then reach home bout 12 then my stomach super pain!!!
wish that pain can go away XD

11:55 PM // Monday, September 7, 2009

Kao bei today sup so long sian....everyone bring phone went to front gate together with Xzh and sse then saw tan and gt outside ...Tan ask sharon money then i call him ****** then he go liao lor :)Jibai sharon haven give me money yet XD !!tmrw last day sup liao ...COOL!!:)

10:35 PM // Sunday, September 6, 2009

today go sch SUP sian ..zzz haizz maths then go home.Whoossssssssshh! so fast sia .OMG forgot bring wallet to sch! FUCKKKKKK!!

10:38 PM // Friday, September 4, 2009

got 1A,2B1C for prelim..!!! GOGOGO

5:44 AM // Friday, August 28, 2009

wah lau my maths result A then my sci and chi suk like hell get 57.5 OMG!! now left eng result must get B!!!!

12:48 AM // Wednesday, August 26, 2009

wow!! today chinese prelim ok....its easy and tmrw sci MY WORST SUB !!

4:33 AM // Monday, August 24, 2009

WOW today eng prelim ok ....erm cannot use com liao must study...which is totally sian lor:)

3:24 AM // Saturday, August 22, 2009

WAH today long day !!today my sis belated B'day so...HAPPY B'day lor haha ok cannot tok liao want to go out celebrate her b'day liao BYE!!

12:27 AM // Friday, August 21, 2009

LOL!!today eng oral darn scary sia keep on forgot wad to say then my hand like super cold ...LOL:)ok lah over liao think also no use left ppr !!!! must WiN

4:41 AM // Thursday, August 20, 2009

Today scary sia !! PSLE chinese oral no.2 leh but super easy the passage like pri4 one lor then the pic okok lor then tomorrow eng!!die liao lor....Haizz -.-!

1:54 AM // Monday, August 17, 2009

die liao psle oral thurs and fri ..OMG!! thurs first session more die reg no. 2 !!!!!:)ok i will try to put song in the blog and ya ok bye:) wish me gd luck!!haha

7:09 AM // Saturday, August 15, 2009

today ..tution again lor ok nvm .night go eat seafood with malocks and family ..yeah and total $200++ er then nothing much to say liao so ok BYE!! NIGHT!!:)

4:01 AM // Friday, August 14, 2009

aiya so long never put post!!finish prelim listenin comph nxy week psle oral ...DIEDIE ONE !!ok lar cannot tok liao BYEBYE:)

10:47 PM // Thursday, August 6, 2009

WAH today celebrate national day sian stand 2 floor beside con and ming and sing song eheheh con never sing haha ming step on jonas paper and tear wahaha !!!!ok how i wishb i could kick gaby ok i think i nid to do something very important ...which is totally not

6:28 AM // Tuesday, August 4, 2009

So long never put post cause cannot go in blogger ....finish prelim oral and it was darn suckish hahaa ..then ok i will very long never put blog post liao cause STUDY!STUDY!STUDy lor PSLE leh ..OK bye go study liao hehe X)

12:20 AM // Friday, July 31, 2009

Sooo long never post cause Prelim....haizz still got long way to go ...Must get 255 if not i die .haha no lar jkjk nia hehe go study liao BYE!!

12:08 AM // Friday, July 24, 2009

today diedie never finish assignment wooosh!!! copy constance one hehe then played the ball during recess and the hell teckyu go and make spoil ..DARN ok then after school constance say our project got something wrong and must reprint lor but mingchong stay back and i run home hahaa ... NOOB MINGCHONG ...psssst what's up with dat

1:25 AM // Thursday, July 23, 2009

yesterday never write blog but also never mind also not thing happen..ok today sian go school do the hell racial harmony thing siao one waste my time and hor i also wan to play badminton during PE lor ...HAIZZ ... then alot ppl to the compo liao i only do half..ARGHH!! chinese class actually wanna do homework one but that stupid tan wei xuan go tell teacher so no choice haha but jonas tell me next time sabo him ..wahaaaa ok then jonas and shan en sing the advertistment song wah lau darn funny sia OMG my stomach hurts haha erm then remedial until 4 then tution until 7.30 ok lor go back sian still must do homework and also wanna watch tv ....HELL

11:39 PM // Sunday, July 19, 2009

WAH today sian ar morning carry the stupid worm thing ...DARn heavy sia ok then bring badminton raquet for no reason haha ms marina haven collect my essay !!WOOHOO!! ok then gengjui never bring termormeter and use his hand to mesure his temp ... psssst whats up with that ?? then scold until siao lor then finish school liao buy bbt then go home haha ..DAM still got alot of assignment wish i could die man!!X)

5:52 AM //

today morning played combat arms then went to guitair class then went to JOM to bowl wah lau i played until my finger like broke like that red red one lor....then went to cut hair man i was leaving that hair for a very long time now its gone !!!!! cause of that stupid teacher HAIZZ ok then nothing to write liao erm..... WISH ME GOOD LUCK hehe :)

5:50 AM //

sry yesterday never put blog post cause no time.erm ok yesterday whole day tution den go out finally completed all my assignment ..yea man !!!

2:58 AM // Friday, July 17, 2009

today was like the worst dae ever .got pulled up to the stage for not looking at the teacher ..and then back to class kana 4pg essay for scratching my head ..cheebye!!!!!!!!!!!FUCK U ok ima nothing to write liao cause fucking pissed off

7:50 AM // Monday, July 13, 2009

today went school brought badminton raquet thought have then in the end dunhave .FUCK heard a hilarious joke from jonas OMG darn funny LMAO haha ..bag darn heavy and stupid chinise teacher take my wallet FUCKING ANGRY SIA!!!X)ok then finish the stamp projiect almost finish the science project also.. erm okok BYE!!

6:34 AM // Sunday, July 12, 2009

today go pray ... sian mornin 6 wake up then go there 8.30-6.30 sian loxx....then go to national museum of s.pore that place okok $10 per ppl as in adult haha then also my paps come back liao then buy alot of thing alos buy one handphone like olden days the ganstar . ROFL then he tell me say he actually one to buy i-pod as in china brand but he say scared exploed ...OMG lmao okok..buy darn lots of correction tape like mini toons but its darn cheap less then $1 sian tmrw go school hate it .arghhh ok BYE

7:59 AM // Saturday, July 11, 2009

today sian lor tution till 5 den vera come my house finish all my homewrk then nothing liao ..dang the com still cannot put in photos .. ROFL

1:33 AM // Thursday, July 9, 2009

OMG!! MJ die lhe.... MJ RIP ..ok today played badminton with shurui challenge tan and winston ..I WON yeah babe !! ok then sup 2-4 then finish liao .. BYE!!

1:27 AM // Thursday, July 2, 2009

today was ok had a project to do which needs to find worms ,spider ....OMG!!! had Sup from 2-4 then tution ..still cant upload photo into BLOG ...FUCK !!

6:37 AM // Monday, June 29, 2009

erm..just came back from sunway lagoon and it was fun lor then fri sit s.pore flyer and i wish it was faster cause the flyer very slow .... actually i wan to upload photo ,but my com dun noe why cannot read the usb cable thing ...hahaha x( today went back to school every one wish the whole school got h1n1 so dun nid ti go school forever haha me too ....!! changed art teacher the name hor i forget liao but i know is ms somthing .. nothing to write liao ..BYE!!

5:18 AM // Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lmc suck he say he wanna go ssc or maris stella high . DUde dream on MAN ...Lmao. he everytime watch Hen tai haha...steady bo pi pi ..sheok man tell everybody hahah......Seriously Dude!!

3:45 AM // Tuesday, May 26, 2009

WAH soo long never put blog post alr cause no time to use com i preparing for exam and also PSLE !!! My marks ar i not happy lor so low aiya ! nothing to write liao ...BYE!:)

1:37 AM // Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sian exam come liao ....STRESSED!!!!!!!!! haizz.i this year PSLE must get very high cause i wan to go to SST (School of Science and Technology)but i dun wan to go to NUS High school... WISh me Good lUCk :P

5:14 AM // Saturday, May 2, 2009

SIAN AR !!! everyday the same life omg .I just take photo for the new ez-link card and my photo like pai kia one leh haha sooo happy ...I just bought a havanas slippers actually i wan white or black one but my leg the size too big so i just take the red one .i wear hor guai guai one haaaha!!!

2:22 AM // Thursday, April 23, 2009

ok so sory so long nv put post ...OK my nafa over liao n it was pretty good n dat day i treat lmc ,scst,twx,pjk and lots more to bbt omg my 10dolar like that fly away liao lor! Aiya nvm its worth it...tmrw i got lc then wed i got oral then the rest forgot...wah RIWAJ got the best athelete award WHAT THE HELL aniway wish everyone gd gd for exams r BYE!

4:45 AM // Monday, March 30, 2009

erm hi ... ya i know very long never put post lhe but no choice mah too busy stupid teacher give me so... much homework until i sleep at 12pm-1pm i very pissed off with my teacher leh give so much homework and then say wad my class 2nd best class so we must very guai ! PEI! 2nd best class so... wad kao bei !nvm lar so oh ya i hear that vera wanna make blog can sell thing one so if i find out then i put in the post then ya so like that bye !!SO LONG

10:30 PM // Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sian !sian SIAN! everyday do the same thing one aiya whateva i dun care oh ya i forgot that i need to wish pjk a Happy Happy b'day which was on 9 march haha !

what a loser
4:49 AM //

Oh Lim ming chong is WHAT A LOSER! man he totally suck and he fuck off yeah wish the whole can smack his face and GIVES HIM HELL!!!

2:45 AM // Wednesday, March 4, 2009

erm hi yea today sian ei tell u all something today hor got litriture then we must role-play rght then we make a play wad me mingchong and zihao ya then we make the mas selamat play then i mas selamat wah i tell u ar the whole class laugh until siao .. er ya thats all for 2day BYE !

1:34 AM // Tuesday, March 3, 2009

jan. - I was raped by
feb. - I butt-kicked
mar. - I murdered
apr. - I bathed with
may.- I was tongue-kissed
jun. - I have a crush on
jul. - I pervertly touched
aug. - I had sex with
sept. - I bitch-fight with

oct. - I raped
nov. - I butt-licked
dec. - I ate

1 - a maniac
2 - michael Jackson
3 - an alien
4 - an undentified creature
5 - a four-legged ostrich
6 - the air
7 - britney spears

8- a gay
9 - homo
10 - elmo!
11 - Spongebob!
12 - Squidward
13 - spider man
14 - a lesbian
15 - a retarded frog
16 - a emo
17 - a freako
18 - my pillow
19 - my mothertongue teacher
20 - my dinner
21 - the wall
22 - my principal
23 - the toilet scrub
24 - my body
25 - a crazy spirit
26 - the unknown
27 - a corpse
28 - the water
29 - my pet rock
30 - my own self
31 - the president

white - because my toilet light was
blue - because i want to sleep!
black - because i'm feeling emo
red - because the earth is round
yellow - because i'm happy! :D
orange- because i'm a human
purple - because i have diarrea.
brown - because my pet died!
pink - because i feel like shiting
green - because i cant find any
gray - because my skin is itchy.
maroon - because i want to be a maid.
multi colour - so that i can save earth

12:52 AM //

ER TODAY YA SHAWN AND ME AND YAN HAO RUN AROUND THE VOLLEYball court 10 ROUNDS LEH omg then ok alr i was so.. exhausted and then my stomach pain then i just hold lor then for a while ok liao then we tok then go back class then maths class then finish alr then go recess then oh ya i play with wei xuan ,ju kyeong and sharon water fight and then i go hold sharon hand haha (YES I DID IT ) no lar actually that was in class LOL! then after that sch finish but still got supplementary so must stay longer then must wait wad then go library and PLAY i tell u darn fun ok alr go back class then c eh got other sec school ppl in my class then ask them wad sch they in they dun tell me so i go and c their fullscape then c until lhe the from holy innocent so i say ok lor then i just go away then school finish then go to school the so call backgate with wei xuan ,ming chong and sharon then i treat sharon the cheese fries and then we walk then ask me wanna go her house i say err next time lar she say ok then i ask her later u got at home she say have then i say ok then walk away then after that the bus come then go home lor nothing to write alr BYE O YA volleyball aso drop inside the pond i was darn scared ok nothing to write lhe BYE!

5:02 AM // Thursday, February 26, 2009

er this one take at mount faber lar and .. not very nice because ar very dark and late hahas ...

this one is arrow lar see also know
this merlion darn scary man!

Arrow stairs ??

Nice one dUDe!

POint tombstone :)

double tombstonezzz

2 ppl haaahas:)

er.... nothing to write lhe so... bye!!

1:30 AM // Monday, February 16, 2009

aiyo sooooo long never put post lhe err... what i wanna say ar.. oh ya i join this STUPID stamp project my teacher call me to do and also er.. ya i also the class it/ava monitor (i tell u this job ar sibei sian ..hahas if u got chance u better not do ..!!) then also wad ar oh ya hor the valentine day sian lor ownself better faster find gf if not nxt year valentine DIE!! haha not so bad luh ... nothing to write lhe BYE !

12:47 AM // Wednesday, February 11, 2009

sory ar very long never make liaoz .. ! LOL er btw i hate GABRIEL he everyday ar take my thing den ar never return unless i ask i am so pissed off with him and he also keep on make fun of winston and singing his song (OMG soo noob ) hahas nvm lor his problem

1 FEB 2009 @ 11.19 pm
7:10 AM // Sunday, February 1, 2009

my so... like to act cute cousin ... X)
and whats she doin ??

hahas fighting over a photo :) yng pok ,ning pok and queenie ..

funny right .... LOL!!

Looking sian.... ZZZZZZ....

ok .. this was like during the new year time but never upload because no time mah ..!! i know some childish but some vry nice wad !!
aiyah nothing to write alr .. so bye lorxx

4:04 AM // Sunday, January 25, 2009

quick post lar sian mar er.. i at school met new friends ... jonas,joey and still got some more but still dont know who haha (LAME) ..erm. oh yea i just learnt what hentai is it is animation porn eww haha !! ok nothing to write lhe so bye! happy reading X)

what a old bus
12:34 AM // Saturday, January 3, 2009

first day of school
1:25 AM // Friday, January 2, 2009

WOW! first day of school omg i have gone into the 2nd class in the whole level .. lame lor cheebye my teacher still the same fucker!!! first day go forgot to bring homework SHIT! den my teacher say ASSAY den i say wah lau !! den i come home i cheong my ASSAY den my homework haha !! one hour finish liao ..haha stupid teacher in ur face dude haaha arhahaha ... omg laugh until cough ... ok byebye x)

first day of a year
11:12 PM // Wednesday, December 31, 2008

oh my god.. last day of my holiday (vry sad ) haizz can't play com anymore wahhhhhh !!! :(
nothing to write liao .....

the last day of the year
5:39 AM //

today was the last day of the year... sooooo sad and still got 1 more day bfore school re-open ... vera and her family come to my house den countdown ......5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 ..woooo... we throw rock at other ppl window and shouted "FUCK YOU BABE" ....!!!!! Nah nothing tht crazy just 5 , 4, 3,2,1, wooo... haha and wei ming aso come hha nothing to write alr
innoccent guy !! wow

4:01 AM // Monday, December 29, 2008

ok i just came bck from malaysia and it was............ GREAT erm not really cause didn't manage to walk the shopping mall i watch yes man and bedtime stories and lemme tell u all something all of you should watch yes man than bedtime stories...ok wadeva sooooo ok wad should i talk about erm i bought a bag which cost bout rm70 and bought a shirt (in pink) and a shirt which is white in colour . (: wah very sian ... nothing to do ok finish talking still got 3 more days than school re-open very angry x(
bye haha !!

Layout:addie*. Inspiration:Nicole's skin. .